Gary Huenke, a regular guest speaker for Worldwide Outreach Pastors Conferences teaches the same content in studio for a current production called “Kingdom Leaders,” which will be available free of cost for pastors in Africa upon it’s release in the fall of 2021. Digital Media Productions is a new ministry of Worldwide Outreach.
Digital Media Production

We have a vision to produce teaching videos and materials for pastors to immediately utilize with their people. The videos and print materials would be easily downloaded and shared by end users at little to no cost.
Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest. ”
– Jesus,
Matthew 9:37-38 ESV
There are many pastors in developing countries that desperately need good, solid, basic biblical teaching and materials in order to combat the many false doctrines that are rampant today. For many of these pastors, most of which have other jobs and families to support, attending bible college far away is impractical. Our heart is to give them well developed teaching and materials that will not only bless them, but the people they serve. This is an incredible opportunity and moment in history to have a major impact on the church in these latter days.
Want to find out more about this ministry? Use the contact form to let us know what you are interested in or wanting to help with and we will get in touch with you.