Outreach Evangelism is the core value & mission of Worldwide Outreach. Through our highly-trained national missions teams, we have held many types of outreach evangelism events that have brought literally thousands of people to Christ over the last three decades. These are the outreach events we specialize in:

Major Outreach
A major outreach takes place in a major city and brings local pastors and churches of many denominations together for a free city wide outreach event. New believers are connected to participating pastors and churches for follow up discipleship.

Outreach Circuit
An Outreach Circuit takes place in and around a major city or a secondary city. A typical Outreach Circuit is 5 separate outreaches in 5 different locations in the same general area. New believers are connected to participating pastors and churches for follow up discipleship.

Children’s Outreach
Children’s Outreaches are tailored to reach children up to 13 years old through music, skits and multimedia. Speakers who are gifted with the ability to connect with children are carefully chosen to share the gospel message.

Refugee Camp Outreach
Refugee Camps in Africa have thousands of hurting people with untold need and come from many countries, Many of these people have experienced war or other types of calamity. This type of ministry usually has a humanitarian component built in to help those in extreme need and tries to help people overcome trauma through Christ’s love and compassion. We also empower National Missionaries to minister to Syrian refugees in the Middle East, Greece, Turkey and parts of Europe.

Outreach to Unreached People Groups
We are committed to a priority of heaven, which is to send the gospel into every nation, tribe and tongue. We do this by conducting outreach with our National Teams into unreached areas. We have experienced entire villages who come to Christ and a new church planted as a result.